How to Get Smell and Taste Back after Covid 19
What do you do after you’re sick and lose your smell? Losing your smell likely means you've also lost your sense of taste. You are not alone. This happened to me too! I lost 100% of my taste and smell. Wiped out!
After five weeks without smell or taste, my optimism about it returning on its own was fading fast. I knew it was time to take this issue seriously because it may not return on its own, so I did a lot of research to find targeted nutrition to support neuron rejuvenation in the olfactory nerves.
Progress update on 12/3/2021: it has been 11 weeks since covid zapped my taste and smell! I am making progress, but it's slow. I would say I have 40% smell and taste back, but I've noticed any progress I make is immediately lost when I eat sugar!
Progress Update on 1/7/2022: it has been 15 weeks now and I would say I have 50% smell and taste back. The mushroom tinctures seem to be helping, and as I said above, I lose the progress I've made recovering smell and taste when I eat sugar.
Progress Update on 2/7/2022: This sugar dilemma is a massive reason I decided to lead (and participate in) a 21 day No Added Sugar Challenge! We started February 1, 2022 so after 7 days with zero sugar, I realized today my smell and taste have improved. I would say I'm at 70% smell and taste back. Removing sugar from my diet has provided the most success so far!
Progress Update on 4/9/2022: Going 21 days without eating sugar made a massive difference in my sinus inflammation. I got 85-90% of my taste and smell back by day 21. On day 28 without eating any sugar, I ate lifesavers and the next morning my sinuses were inflamed and my taste was negatively impacted. The inflammation lasted several weeks! That little bit of sugar was all it took to set my progress back.
Progress Update on 12/14/2023:
I wanted to give a very overdue progress report. I think I have gained 100% of my taste and smell back, and do not have sinus inflammation. I don't remember how long ago my taste and smell return 100%, but probably 1 year ago (Dec. 2022), so it was a long process I had to put intention into, but it paid off.
What Causes Loss of Smell and Taste?
During infection, the olfactory nerves, which regulate the sense of smell, were destroyed and died from inflammation. I had a lot of burning in my sinuses during the first week of my covid symptoms. My ability to taste was lost 100%. Without my sense of smell, I'm unable to detect subtle flavors.
Two Factors Involved in Regenerating Your Smell
There are two necessities involved in getting your smell back:
#1: New neurons need to be regenerated and regrown. The olfactory system has a unique ability to regenerate throughout life, so it is possible.
#2: It's crucial to reduce inflammation in the body, and diet is a major factor in this. This is likely why I notice a setback in my progress when I eat sugar because it is very inflammatory.
Targeted Nutrition to Promote Neuron Rejuvenation in the Nose
After much research, I recommend these targeted nutrients, smell therapy, and greatly reducing inflammatory foods in order to promote a return of smell and taste.
Solution 1: Zinc + Zinc Ionophore (ie: Quercetin, ECGC, Hesperidin)
A zinc deficiency can be associated with loss of smell and taste, which is an easy, quick fix. Simply, take zinc. The Institute for Functional Medicine recommends taking 30-60 mg of zinc daily, in divided doses. A chelated form is ideal, but zinc acetate, citrate, picolinate, or glycinate are also good forms of zinc.
Note: only take zinc if you are deficient. Do not take zinc for the long term because it can cause an imbalance in your zinc to copper ratio. Do not take zinc on an empty stomach.
For people who can taste and smell, if you take zinc and it leaves a sour taste or very metallic taste in your mouth, it means you likely don’t need zinc anymore. Your body has met its threshold.
It’s important to note: zinc needs a zinc ionophore to transport the zinc into the cell where it’s needed to fight the virus. Without the ionophore, much of the zinc stays outside the cells, which isn’t effective for supporting immune health.
Examples of zinc ionophores include Quercetin, EGCG (in green tea), and Hesperidin from citrus flavonoids. When my covid symptoms first appeared, I started taking this Zinc with Quercetin supplement, and I continued taking it about one month post-covid.
I knew my taste and smell issues were not from a zinc deficiency.
Solution 2: Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps Mushrooms
Cordyceps and Lion’s Mane mushrooms support the regrowth of the neurons in the nose faster. I discovered a company local to where I live called Manuka Mana, and I bought two tinctures of pure Lion's Mane and pure Cordyceps. This company uses an ultrasonic mushroom processing technology to create a highly bioavailable mushroom extract. I have taken 1 ml of both tinctures for about three weeks, and I do think they are helping my smell, and I really notice them helping my brain function!
If you try mushrooms, knowing the mushroom processing technique of the product you purchase is critical because if the mushrooms aren't processed properly, the beneficial compounds are not available, so it will be a waste of money. I highly recommend an oral tincture like Manuka Mana (vs. a capsule or powder).
Solution 3: B-Complex Vitamins
B vitamins are key players in nerve growth and regeneration, especially thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6), and cobalamin (B12), which maintain neuronal viability in different ways. They constantly protect nerves against damaging environmental influences. Vitamin B1 acts as a site-directed antioxidant, vitamin B6 balances nerve metabolism, and vitamin B12 maintains myelin sheaths.
When nerve damage is present, the presence of vitamins B1, B6, and B12 supports nerve regeneration by promoting the development of new cell structures. The absence of these vitamins will favor permanent nerve degeneration.
Every day I take either B-Complex Plus by Pure Encapsulations or Bio-V by Uckele, which is a vitamin-only supplement.
Solution 4: Smell Testing Therapy
Smelling any strong scent is really helpful and has been used for years in something called olfactory therapy. Smell training stimulates the turnover of the specialized nerve cells, helping to restore smell function. Some research shows changes in the smell areas of the brain may happen too.
Just as there are three primary colors of red, blue, and yellow, there are four primary scents to start “smell testing” right away. Those four scents are floral (rose), fruity (lemon), aromatic (cloves or lavender), and resinous (eucalyptus).
First, pretend like you can smell again while you are smelling different strong smells of different qualities. Next, deeply inhale each scent for 15 to 20 seconds, usually twice a day. You want to change your smells every 12 weeks, and the longer the smell training continues, the better. Keep going because it is not an instant result.
I started doing smell therapy using different essential oils I had at home. I use Orange, Lavender, Lemon, Clove Bud, Blossoms, and Deep Breathe (a blend). I love the Rocky Mountain Oil brand. I’ve used their essential oils for 5+ years after doing a ton of research on the quality and purity of different essential oil brands.
Along with deeply inhaling essential oil scents, I have also been cooking various strong smells, such as sautéed onion and garlic, sautéed green curry paste, and Indian food with curry. I try to take very deep inhales as it cooks.
Solution 5: Avoid Inflammatory Foods
I notice when I eat sugar, my smell progress digressed significantly and it's because sugar is very inflammatory. The body's inflammatory response stems from an increase in the production of free radicals and inflammatory cytokines.
Five primary ingredients and foods that trigger inflammation, and I recommend you reduce these things as much as possible:
Refined Carbohydrates and Ultra-processed foods
Excess Omega-6 Fats (foods containing vegetable oil, soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil)
Hydrogenated Fats (Fried foods, Margarine, Shortening)
Processed Meats
Lifestyle factors that trigger inflammation include:
Eating foods you have an Allergy or Sensitivity to
An imbalanced Gut Microbiome
Poorly Managed Stress
Lack of Sleep
If you want to remove sugar with an accountability partner, join my 21 day 'No Added Sugar' Challenge starting February 1, 2024. It definitely helped my lack of smell when I did it two years ago.
Solution 6: Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Build your diet full of vegetables, fruits, high-quality proteins, healthy fats, nuts, and seeds. If your gut tolerates beans and lentils, eat those regularly. Include herbs, spices, garlic, onion, and ginger. The more colorful your diet, the healthier it is.
Food For Thought When I'm Losing Patience
I keep reminding myself, recovering 100% of smell and taste is going to take time and diligence. I've read it can take weeks to a year depending on how much nerve destruction happened.
On a spiritual and emotional level, here's one thought I keep having: Love, Certainty, Gratitude, and Presence help speed up any sort of healing process.
I hope this information is helpful. Have you found anything that has helped you get your smell and taste back?? Please share and leave me a comment. I would love to hear your story!
Have a great day,
Kelly xo
I have been a Registered Dietitian for 23 years, and I practice Functional Nutrition which is a holistic approach that finds the root cause of health troubles. If you want to improve your health and need someone to guide you through the process, let's set up a time to chat on the phone.