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The 11 Unique Voices of the Throat Center


One of my favorite things to observe in people is their unique verbal expression. When I learned each gate in the throat center had its own "voice," I was so intrigued!

The throat gates act as portals to the Throat Center, and where these gates are connected to in the bodygraph flavors the expression even more. The Throat Center is where communication, manifestation, and transformation come to life.

All the energy in your bodygraph is trying to make its way to the throat. Whether the pressurized energy moves up from below or is pressurized down from above, it ultimately reaches the throat, ready to be verbalized in its unique expression.

The 11 Voices of the Throat Center

What throat gates do you have defined in your Throat Center? Each of the 11 gates defined in the throat represents a specific voice you have consistently available and speak through. You may not notice it because it’s how you’ve always been.

Gate 20: "I Am Now or not"

Gate 16: "I Experiment/Identify or not"

Gate 62: "I Think or not"

Gate 23: "I Know or not"

Gate 56: "I Believe or not"

Gate 35: "I Feel or not"

Gate 12: "I can try if I'm in the mood or not" "I Could or not"

Gate 45: "I Have or not"

Gate 33: "I Remember or not"

Gate 8: "I Can or not"

Gate 31: "I Lead or not"

Gate 20's Voice of the Throat Center

Gate 20 is the Gate of The Now. It says "I Am Now or Not." It is instantaneous clarity and/or action. This voice can sound like a decisive voice or in the low expression like an indecisive voice. This voice is not from the mind.

Because 20 is the presence of the NOW, going into the past or future will pull you out of its gift. Focus on where your power wants to go now. What is alive in The Now?

Channel 34-20 is the Channel of Charisma and is the pure Manifesting Generator channel in the human design chart. Gate 34 is a powerful energy located in the Sacral Center. This motor is about building the world so these people are going to speak about building, working, and what they love. This voice of gate 20 speaks about what lights that sacral energy up RIGHT NOW. It will also speak about what's currently frustrating the sacral.

With this connection, there may be Sacral sounds that pop out of your mouth before your conscious mind can stop it.😆 Listen to the intonation of what is naturally expressed and hold it in your awareness for a deeper clarity of its meaning. If you are involved in something that isn’t correct for you, there may be a ‘groan’ or an outbreath that's your true feeling about something. This is a primal clue that whatever you are involved in, or whoever you are dealing with, is not nourishing for you at that time.

Gate 57 is the most intuitive gate in the human design chart. When gate 20 connects to gate 57, this is a voice that speaks about intuitive awareness in the now. You can’t even anticipate it because it happens now and if you’re not present in the moment you aren’t receiving the intuitive insight that comes only in the now.

Gate 16's Voice of the Throat Center

If Gate 16 is the Gate of Skills. It's an enthusiastic voice that says, "I Experiment or not" or "I Identify with or not". It's always looking for new ways to experiment and perfect its skills. It will come alive when it identifies with something. If the person is excited, the voice will want to talk about it. If the person isn't excited about it, they won't care to talk about it much. When you don’t identify with something anymore, it will feel like a lot of effort and time, and it won’t feel fun and may feel draining. This is the gate of skills so when you identify with something, you can really do it.

One you identify with a skill you're interested in, dedicate yourself to repetition of the skill, and focus on practice until you reach a point of mastery that transcends the skill itself and becomes an art. This requires a lot of repetition and practicing something over and over and over.

My 13 yo son has this full channel 48-16 and repeating a skill over and over and over is a trait I have observed in him since he was little. There is so much grit in this channel. No matter how much he fell while learning to snowboard, he kept getting up and wanted to stay until the mountain closed! He did this same thing learning yo-yo, and teaching himself to draw and often drawing the same army tank or military jeep over and over and over until he felt like he mastered it.

Gate 62's Voice of the Throat Center

Gate 62 is the Gate of Details and it says, "I think" or "I don't think." This is a verbal and mental expression of logic, like a scientist creating formulas, hypothesis, and setting up experiments. It's a voice that's reasonable or unreasonable. It transforms the visual opinion of gate 17 into language. This gate loves to name things.

I have this full channel 17-62 in my chart, and as I speak, I can hear my voice filtering the logic in my defined Ajna and then speaking about what I think regarding the research I've looked at. I like a lot of details. In fact, my mind needs the details to have clarity about the topic. When there's a missing piece of the story, I notice it and will ask questions to fill in the missing details.

Gate 23s Voice of the Throat Center

Gate 23 is the Gate of Assimilation and the voice says, "I Know" or "I don't Know." As part of the individual circuitry, it represents a deep internal knowing and the capacity to express unique individuality. For mutation to take place, individuality must be able to express itself and explained.

Gate 23 is great at taking abstract concepts and simplifying them but is also really good at overcomplicating things!

This is spontaneous expression so it may just blurt out insights. Connected to Gate 43 (which brings insights and epiphanies), Gate 23 serves as the expression point for those insights. When asked, “How do you know these things?” the response might simply be, “I don’t know! It just comes to me."😊

If you have 23.1, watch out for "I know and you don't" in a way that's not helping you.

23.2 is someone who has their own knowing but doesn't tell anyone what they know. It will be challenging to pull it out of you. These people don't want others to interfere with their knowing or their uniqueness. Do you recognize this in yourself? Do you hide your knowing?

Gate 56's Voice of the Throat Center

Gate 56 is the Gate of Stimulation and it says, “I believe" or "I don't believe." It's a hopeful or despairing voice. Its metamorphic capacity is its ability to translate the visual sequences of ideas and turn them into language as description.

Gate 56 is often called a good storyteller - a verbal hustler - because it tells stories in a stimulating and often humorous way. It goes into the minutia of the details of the story. It shares what you’ve experienced, what you’ve come to believe, and what’s enriching your life. This transformative, abstract voice weaves together all the bits of information and elaborates on them by filling in the gaps and telling a quality story, which stimulates emotions in others. Gate 56 captivates its audience and wants you to be engulfed in their story.

Gate 35's Voice of the Throat Center

Gate 35 is the Gate of Change and its voice says, "I feel" or "I don't feel." It can often "feel like it's ready for a change." This is not logical, but rather it's abstract and moves through the world of experiences, speaking in a language of creativity.

Gate 35 is reaching for the Solar Plexus center and with this energy, you’re going to speak about your feelings, emotions, and experiences. Sometimes you might just want to express the adventure of your experiences. You may also want to express through a creative outlet such as writing, artwork, building, music, singing, poetry, podcasting. What’s the emotional weather happening within you or around you? If you have the full channel, you will speak about your personal emotional experiences.

These people may be told “you’re too emotional” or “stop being so emotional” but you’re here to express your emotions.

Gate 35 wants gate 36. Gate 35 is the gate of experience and gate 36 is the gate of inexperience. Gate 35 is full and not hungry. It will only be hungry for a new experience it hasn't had - otherwise it's bored to death. Gate 35 can be very bored with food, people, life because there isn't anything attractive enough or new enough. Over time with maturity, it's a feeling of "been there, done that." It says I need to do something once and never do it again.

Gate 36 is hungry and will create the experiences gate 35 is looking for.

Gate12's Voice of the Throat Center

Gate 12 is the Gate of Caution and its voice says, "I can try if I'm in the mood or not." It may also say "I could or not." With gate 12, sometimes you may not be in the mood to speak about it and sometimes you are in the mood to speak about it. This voice may also say "maybe" a lot.

Gate 12 is the gate for which we began to speak. It loves to express itself through language and words or some other outlet such as writing, artwork, music, singing, poetry. Channel 12-22 is the most musical of all channels. It's biologically the place of our breath. These people may be told “you’re too emotional” or “stop being so emotional” but you’re here to express your emotions.

Do you hold your breath? Do you swallow your words? Whenever you're communicating personal emotional experiences or feelings, make sure you breathe through it. This is crucial for allowing the emotional energy to flow more easily rather than getting stuck in the body.

Gate 45's Voice of the Throat Center

 Gate 45 is the Gate of The Gatherer and it says, "I have" or "I don't have." This is the only voice within the Tribal circuitry. It's the voice of possession and of our material life (ie: I have this much money. I don't have that much. I have this property. I don't have that.)

This is the king or queen energy who cares about her people under her rulership, and her people are the ones who are going to get the resources. It speaks about what's necessary to have in order to exist on the material plane, and "I will get more" if necessary.

The 45 can be dominating. It’s ruling something – it’s here to be in charge of something. Others can sense that energy. A Manifesting Generator with channel 45-21 feels different than other MG’s. You’re almost like a Manifestor with Sacral timing. This can feel self-centered, but don’t change who you are.

Gate 33's Voice of the Throat Center

Gate 33 is the Gate of Retreat and it says, "I remember" or "I don't remember." This energy is part of the Collective Abstract circuitry and is one of the 3 gates of aloneness. It likes privacy to reflect on experiences. It isn't possible to sort things out in a crowd or while under pressure. A lack of privacy and inadequate time for reflection will create weakness in your body. It may also mean you release a secret or misinformation because you haven't had enough time to properly reflect before sharing.

After retreating away and completing the reflection, you come out and share the remembrance and the wisdom with the collective. The collective circuitry cares about feeling into things and it’s going to have that wisdom to share with everyone.

You may find you retreat a lot because you're not sure what you want to express. How can you retreat every day in a way that feels playful and fun? Even if it means you retreat to shoot hoops in your driveway or play with the dogs. Do you feel pressure to speak before taking proper time to reflect? Are you unable to retreat because you're overwhelmed by stimulation?

Gate 8's Voice of the Throat Center

Gate 8 is the Gate of Contribution and it says, "I can contribute or not." This is the voice for creativity through a unique individual voice. Gate 8 is influential because it’s inspiring and it recognizes freshness. It loves beauty. It takes it and gives it to the world and sets fire to a possible new trend. You're ahead of the trend, but then when it starts trending, it’s not really fun for you anymore. When it is on trend, you may not like it or want it.

When you have an 8 on your team, you’re lucky. This person will take any creative endeavor and move it forward. This is connected to your Identity center and you’re speaking from the depths of who you are. If someone can’t hear that or appreciate it, that can really hurt deeply.

The shadow of gate 8 can be felt as mediocrity, artificial, and wooden or hollow. As part of individual circuitry, gate 8 can also feel like melancholy or depression. To work with the melancholic energy, you have to surrender to the stuckness and the pause in your creativity. You have to accept the state of being you’re in and wait for the inspiration.

Remember, gate 8 doesn’t contribute creativity for the sake of recognition or approval. If your unique individual insights aren’t widely accepted or don’t catch on, try to keep in mind that it’s not about you personally, even though it might feel that way. Those with an undefined Head and Ajna Center may be especially prone to taking this personally, creating a mental “story” around the experience—snowballing over time.

Gate 31's Voice of the Throat Center

Gate 31 is the Gate of Leading and it's very influential. This is the voice of the leader and its message is clear: "I can lead" or "I do not lead." Gate 31 has a natural capacity to integrate with the people who ask you, want you, or help you to become a leader. It's your gift to be selected, elected, or chosen by others to lead. When chosen by the collective, gate 31 feels empowered to lead others through their message. It learns from the past and inspires others with its logical approach, steering leadership forward in a specific direction.

Gate 31 cares deeply about the collective “WE," fostering a sense of trust and coherence. There’s a distinct pattern in how you communicate: “I want you to understand this.” “I’m going to teach you about this.” “This is what make sense.” Your leadership emerges through your voice, guiding the collective forward with logical, future-oriented insights.

Voice of the Throat Center

Which throat gates do you have? Do you relate to the specific voices of each gate you have defined in your Throat Center? I would love to hear your experience. Feel free to leave me a comment. I always reply.

Human Design Appointments

Moving from where you are now toward your highest, fullest potential requires long-term dedication to learning and experimenting with your human design. I've learned so much through the process of researching human design, observing myself and others, feeling the energetics in my body in real life, and repeating that cycle over and over.

I believe growth requires more than one appointment, which is why I offer an initial appointment (90 minutes) with a follow-up appointment (60 minutes).

Much love,



1) Ra Uru Hu gate audio

2) Bunnell L. Uru Hu R. The Definitive Book of Human Design. The Science of Differentiation.

Kelly Harrington, MS, RD


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